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Cesia Reyes-Bastida

My name is Cesia, you can call me ‘Ces’. I’ve grown up in Oregon my whole life. I am three out of six kids in a Mexican household. My cultural Mexican background plays a big important role in my life and it is important for me to honor and respect my background. I love biking, collecting sneakers, Bad Bunny, tacos and coffee. In no particular order. I am currently in school, the goal is to get a degree in product design. And hopefully one day design my own shoe or help design a shoe. I’m also a proud basketball bandwagon fan. I root for my home team (Trail Blazers) and whoever is doing the best. (Yes, even if it’s the Lakers or Warriors). Again, proud bandwagon fan. If I’m not slinging shots behind the bar then you can catch me doing homework at a coffee shop in Portland (most likely Prince Coffee, my absolute fav).

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